2nd King Edward'...
4th County of Lo...
98th Field Artil...
Ayrshire Earl Of...
Ayrshire Imperia...
Bedfordshire Yeo...
Berkshire yeoman...
Buckinghamshire ...
Cheshire (Earl o...
City of London Y...
Derbyshire Yeoma...
East Riding of Y...
Fife and Forfar ...
Glamorgan Yeoman...
Glasgow Yeomanry...
Hampshire Yeoman...
Hertfordshire Ye...
Imperial Yeomanr...
King's Own Yorks...
Lanarkshire Impe...
Lanarkshire Yeom...
Lancashire Hussa...
Leicestershire Y...
Lincolnshire Yeo...
Lothians & Borde...
Lothians and Bor...
Montgomery Yeoma...
Montgomeryshire ...