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GERMANY Bundeswehr - Central Military Office

Price: 5 - 10 $

GERMANY Bundeswehr - Central Military Office sleeve patch.
( German: Zentrale Militärische Dienststelle, ZMilDBw ) Embroidered on cloth base with merrowed edging.
Central military departments were military departments of the Bundeswehr that carried out central tasks and did not belong to one of the branches of the armed forces, such as Bundeswehr Leadership Academy, Bundeswehr Logistics School ( Hamburg ), Bundeswehr Language School , Office of Military Geosciences, Military History Research Office, Bundeswehr Logistics Office, Office for Telecommunications and Information Systems of the Bundeswehr, Office for the Military Counterintelligence Service etc. Since October- 2000 the term "Central military department" is no longer used.

Alex Miznikov Added By