USSF MACV-SOG SFD B-56 project Sigma patch
Project Sigma:
Special Recon was initiated under orders from General Westmoreland in August of 1966 was initially set up to achieve the task of rescuing US Military Operatives held prisoner in Cambodia.
Over the following years the Project was to grow to Eight Recon Teams (Special Recon) and three Commando Companies and in late 1967, under the command of MACV undertook additional Long Range Intelligence Gathering activities in conjunction with the POW search missions.
Units from B-56, Operation Sigma worked in conjunction with Border Recon Elements of the Tiger Force Rangers (This Patch) and were housed with the US Special Forces Units.
B-56, (US Special Forces Detachment B-56) was homed at Ho Ngoc Tau and was the base of numerous Montagnard Operatives attached to the Bright Light Operational Teams. (POW RESCUE).
- Category Embroidered patches
- Wearing sleeve badge/patch
- explosion, ribbon, skull, text, beret Picture components
- Caption Sigma
- Shape irregular
- Material cloth
- Size × mm
- Maker
- Period -