MACV-SOG FOB1 Blue Tooth patch
MACV-SOG Command and Control Central (CCC) Bomb Burst patch

Command & Control South patch

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Command and Control South (CCS) was a new field command created by MACV-SOG when permission was granted to conduct cross-border missions into Cambodia. Commanded by a Major, and later a LtCol., CCS was the smallest of the MACV-SOG field commands and was engaged in classified special unconventional warfare missions inside VC-dominated South Vietnam and throughout Cambodia. Its organization was similar to that of CCC. It contained Spike recon teams (RT), Hatchet forces, and four SLAM companies. Cross-border operations had been conducted into northeastern Cambodia since May 1967 under Project DANIEL BOONE, later known as SALEM HOUSE. In 1971 the name was changed to THOT NOT. CCS folded in March 1971 when MACV-SOG created Task Force I Advisory Element at Da Nang.
1-я - 5-я группа Сил специального назначения Армии США Командование и управление ЮГ (CCS) Зеленые береты .Буонметхуот город в провинции Даклак

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