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French Foreign Legion Mobile Group Morocco pocket badge

Price: 40 - 80 $

Groupement Porte de Legion Etrangere du Maroc.
Foreign Legion Mobile Group Morocco.
Initially called the GCPLEM but changed its name on the 1st July 1947 to the GPLEM and had its companies re-numbered from the 13th, 14th & 15th to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd companies. The Unit was used for patrolling Morocco and also operated against Moroccan rebels.
The unit is dissolved in 1956 with its companies passing into the 4 REI to form the 2nd tactical head quarters company and the 4th and 5th mobile companies.
The badge was created in 1947 and made by Drago Paris 25 R Beranger and numbered or non numbered, Drago Paris 43 Rue Olivier Metra, Drago Paris 3 Rue de Romainville and Drago Paris. Silver examples issued for officers.
Thanks to Andi Mitchell for the information