RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal Counterintelligence Service - Counterintelligence Center sleeve patch #2
8 - 10 $
(Russian: Центр контршпионажа Управления контрразведывательных операций Федеральной службы контрразведки Российской Федерации - ФСК России).
Probably fantasy patch
Thermal embossed on black cloth base.
The FSK (Federal Counterintelligence Service) was a state security organization of the Russian Federation. The FSK was the successor organization to the KGB. It existed from 1993 to 1995, when it was reorganized into the FSB.
- Category Counter-Espionage
- Wearing sleeve badge/patch
- sword, wreath, leaf/leaves, text, branch Picture components
- Caption Центр контршпионажа
- Shape round
- Material cloth
- Size 80×80 mm
- Maker
- Period 1993 - 1995