Reserve Good Conduct Medal, Coast Guard
To receive a Reserve Good Conduct Medal, a service member (excluding Army Reservists), must, generally, be an active member of the Reserve or National Guard and must have performed three to four years of satisfactory duty (to include drills and annual training) with such service being free of disciplinary action. Periods of active duty in the Active Component prior to joining the Reserve Component, full-time duty in an Active Guard and Reserve, Training and Administration of the Reserve (TAR),
Coast Guard Reserve Good Conduct Medal created in 1963 and awarded for a standard satisfactory enlisted reserve tour of three years of duty. Additional awards are denoted by service stars. This is strictly an enlisted service award on par with the Coast Guard Good Conduct Medal for active duty enlisted coast guardsmen. Commissioned officers, to include warrant officers, are not eligible for award of the Coast Guard Reserve Good Conduct Medal, however, they are entitled to wear the award if it was earned during prior enlisted service.
- Категория ордена и медали
- Как носить медаль
- якорь, лента, полоса/полосы, щит, текст, круг Рисунок
- Надпись United States Coast Guard Reserve, good conduct
- Форма круг
- Материал
- Размер × мм
- Производитель
- Год выпуска 1963 -