Coast Guard Distinguished Public Service Award
20 - 30 $
Distinguished Public Service Award - Aside from the Gold and Silver Life-Saving Medals, this is the highest public recognition that the Commandant of the Coast Guard may award. Distinguished Public Service Awards are given to recognize:
- Extraordinary heroism in advancing the Coast Guard's mission
- Exceptional coordination and/or cooperation in matters pertaining to the Coast Guard's responsibilities
- Personal and direct contribution to the Coast Guard that had a direct bearing on the accomplishment of the Coast Guard's responsibilities to its citizens
- Категория гражданские награды
- Как носить медаль
- якорь, лента, полоса/полосы, звезда/звёзды, щит, канат/трос/веревка, текст, круг Рисунок
- Надпись United States Coast Guard 1790, Distinguished Public Service
- Форма восьмиконечная звезда
- Материал
- Размер × мм
- Производитель
- Год выпуска -