Golitsyn Border Institute FSB, 3rd divizion 1994 - 97/99
ITALY National Police NOCS Special counter-terrorism unit HALO/Freefall parachute wings
ITALY National Police NOCS Special counter-terrorism unit sleeve patch, subdued
Hungarian National Security Service Patch

CROATIA Army 350th General Staff Sabotage Unit (DO-GS) sleeve patch

Цена: 15 - 20 $

(Croatian: Diverzantski Odred Glavnog Stožera, DO-GS) sleeve patch. Unit was established on April 15, 1993 and in 2000, as part of military restructuring, was disbanded and amalgamated with other units to form the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion. Patch designed in 1994. Fully silk embroidered on cloth base.

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