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MALAGASY Parachute Instructor wings
30 - 42 $
First Madagascar Monitor/Instructor Parachutist badge were adopted in the early 1970's when the country was known as the Malagasy Republic. She changed her name to Madagascar in 1975. The badge is/was worn above the right breast pocket. This badge has a DRAGO PARIS manufacturer’s name on the reverse with 2 standard French metal loops with an expanding pin to fasten the badge to the uniform. The Drago company went out of business in the 1980's. This badge is shown as #1070 in the second Bragg & Turner book.
- Категория Знаки парашютистов
- Как носить нагрудный знак
- парашют, крылья, круг Рисунок
- Надпись
- Форма крылья
- Материал латунь
- Размер 84×51 мм
- Производитель DRAGO
- Год выпуска 1973 - 1991