El Al E.M.T Emergency Medical Technician
10 - 12 $
El Al E.M.T - Emergency Medical Technician patch.
Paramedic is a term used in several countries to describe a person who is skilled and an expert in the profession of emergency medicine, who is skilled in clinical and administrative work practices. The medic works mainly in the field of first aid services, and is able to respond quickly to emergencies in the fields of medicine, traumatic injuries and accident scenes.
course training EMT or degree Medical.
- Категория нашивки
- Как носить нарукавный знак
- змея, звезда/звёзды, Посох Асклепия, буква Рисунок
- Надпись EMT
- Форма щит
- Материал ткань
- Размер × мм
- Производитель
- Год выпуска -