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Iraq Medal for the Palestine War, 1948-49
(Nut Herb Filistin 1948-49):
Established: Law No. 32 of 1959.
Obverse: White metal, 40 mm. An eight-pointed bronze star, enameled red, with bronze flames on each point. In a central multi-colored enameled medallion, a map of Palestine with Al-Aqsah Mosque in the center and an armed soldier advancing from lower right. Lower left, an inscription, "Aaidoon" or "We are coming back".
Reverse: Above, the curved Arabic inscription "Al-Jamhuriya al-Iraqiya" or "The Iraqi Republic." Below, a scroll. The center is blank.
Ribbon: 30 mm, equal stripes of black, green, red, green, and black. Black 6 mm, green 6 mm, red 6 mm, green 6 mm, black 6 mm.
Awards: Between 8000 and 10000 Iraqi troops were sent to this war.
taken from http://www.israelidecorations.net/OtherSide/Iraq.htm
- Категория награды
- Как носить медаль
- ружье/винтовка, звезда/звёзды, пламя, текст, карта, море/океан, солдат/полицейский, мечеть Рисунок
- Надпись
- Форма круг
- Материал
- Размер × мм
- Производитель
- Год выпуска 1959 -