SOUTH AFRICA 44 Para Bde, Freefall Parachute Instructor arm flash, proposed , black center, left
WEST GERMANY Bundeswehr - Army Parachutist wings, Master, Test Design Type II, 1985 - 1986
Duvdevan unit- 217
FINLAND Parachutist qualification jump wings, subdued, cloth

CZECH REPUBLIC Air Force Parachute Instructor badge, black background

Цена: 40 - 60 $

Czech Republic Air Force parachutist (or parachute instructor) qualification insignia, gold on black background, reportedly black was for the service dress uniform. The gold was possibly to distinguish rank. These insignia were proposed and worn during the period 1 January 1993 to 6 September 1994, when the Czech Parliament issued new regulations on military badges and decorations.

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