FRANCE 9th Light Armoured Marine Brigade / Division patch

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The 9th Marine Infantry Brigade (French: 9e Brigade d'Infanterie de Marine, 9e BIMa) is a light armoured, amphibious unit of the Troupes de marine of the French Army.

In July 1963, the 9e Brigade was created in Brittany. On 1 January 1976, the 9th Brigade became the 9th Marine Infantry Division (9e division d'Infanterie de Marine, 9e DIMa), attached to the land intervention force, then the Rapid Action Force from 1984. On 1 July 1999, the 9th Marine Infantry Division became the 9th Marine Light Armoured Brigade. On 1 January 2013, the unit was renamed and downsized to the 9th Marine Infantry Brigade (French: 9e Brigade d'Infanterie de Marine, 9e BIMa).

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