RUSSIAN FEDERATION Internal Troops 1st Special Purpose Unit "Vityaz" ("Knight") sleeve patch, full color

Цена: 8 - 10 $

(Russian: 1-й Краснознаменный отряд специального назначения (1 ОСН) внутренних войск МВД России)

Full color variant.

Vityaz was one of the Soviet and Russian special forces units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) within the Independent Operative Purpose Division (ODON) of the Internal Troops (VV). Its full name is 1st Special Purpose Unit of the Internal Forces "Vityaz". It was assigned specifically to counter-terrorism duties, but was also trained to deal with civil unrest, prison rebellions and mutinies of regular army units. On September 1, 2008, Vityaz was deactivated.

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