וולקן תעשיות
Underground apartments interception- 21 and 22 - Double Tailed Knights Squadron - Squadron- 133
יהל"ם  (יחידת הנדסה למשימות מיוחדות ) יחידת עילית של חיל ההנדסה
סמל ארגון ברית שלום

Army Special Forces Tab, metal

Цена: 7 - 10 $

The Special Forces Tab is a service school qualification tab of the United States Army, awarded to any soldier completing either the Special Forces Qualification Course, or the Special Forces Detachment Officer Qualification Course (formerly known as the Special Forces Officer Course), at the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School, Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
The Special Forces Tab was created in 1983 and is an embroidered quadrant patch worn on the upper left sleeve of a military uniform. The cloth tab is 3 1⁄4 inches wide and is teal blue with yellow embroidered letters. A metal Special Forces Badge is authorized for wear on the mess/dress uniforms and green shirt. The metal badge is teal blue with a gold edge and gold letters.

  • Категория Знаки
  • Как носить нагрудный знак
  • текст Рисунок
  • Надпись Special Forces
  • Форма дуга
  • Материал
  • Размер × мм
  • Производитель
  • Год выпуска 1983 -

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