Office of the Secretary of Defense Identification Badge
20 - 30 $
The Office of the Secretary of Defense Identification Badge is a military badge issued to members of the United States armed forces who are permanently assigned to the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) and its subordinate offices, and in addition, to some of the Defense Agencies and Department of Defense Field Activities.
- Категория Знаки назначения/должности
- Как носить нагрудный знак
- стрела, полоса/полосы, орёл, звезда/звёзды, щит, лучи солнца/света, ветвь Рисунок
- Надпись
- Форма неопределенная форма
- Материал
- Размер × мм
- Производитель
- Год выпуска -