HUNGARY Defence Force 88th Rapid Reaction Battalion, 3rd Company sleeve patch, subdued
(Hungarian: MH 88. Gyorsreagálású Zászlóalj, 3. század)
Subdued variant variant for a step out uniform. Embroidered on olive green cloth base with merrowed edging.
The 88th Light Infantry Battalion was founded on 1st September, 1993 as an Air Mobile Battalion. After three years, it was reorganized and started its operation as Rapid Reaction Battalion on 1st March, 1996. Finally, within the frame of the reorganization of a new military force, the unit grew from a battalion to a regiment on 1st October, 2000. By 1st July, 2001 the unit achieved combat readiness. After that, the regiment was reorganized and on 1st September, 2004 started its operation as a Light Infantry Battalion. The battalion was under direct command of the 25th György Klapka Light Infantry Brigade.
The battalion was an armed tactical unit with armed and professional subunits in its organization. Its technical equipment was modified for air transportation and the soldiers are trained and prepared for implementing extraordinary tasks.
Missions in wartime:
• crisis management;
• special operations;
• special infantry tasks;
• airborne and air assault operation;
• combat search and rescue.
Other military operations:
• peace support operations;
• humanitarian relief;
• search and rescue;
• non-combatant evacuation;
• counter-terrorist operations.
- Категория нашивки
- Как носить нарукавный знак
- меч/сабля, крылья, полоса/полосы, щит, число, текст Рисунок
- Надпись Pro Patria, 3
- Форма щит
- Материал ткань
- Размер 60×80 мм
- Производитель
- Год выпуска 1996 - 2000