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Coast Guard Cutterman Insignia enlisted
The cutterman insignia is a device awarded by the United States Coast Guard to represent service aboard a Coast Guard cutter. The pin is awarded on a temporary basis after six months of sea time, qualification in required watch stations, successful completion of an oral or written board, and receiving a recommendation from their unit's commanding officer. Temporary insignias may be worn while attached to a cutter, but must be removed upon permanently transferring to a non-afloat unit. The award becomes permanent after 5 years of cumulative sea time in the Coast Guard (prior service sea time counts for pay purposes, but not for qualification as a cutterman).
On 18 October 1974, the Office of Personnel promulgated the Coast Guard Cutterman Insignia program, to “recognize the contributions and qualifications of our personnel.” The version awarded to officers is gold-toned, while the version awarded to enlisted members is pewter-toned.
- Категория Квалификационные знаки
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- волна\волны, звезда/звёзды, щит, руль Рисунок
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