Air Force Professional Military Education Badge
5 - 10 $
The Air Force Professional Military Education (PME) Badge is worn by Air Force instructors that provide continuing professional military education that is focused on basic, primary, intermediate, and senior level education of Air Force Officers. These PME instructors should not be confused with instructors that wear the Air Education and Training Instructor Badges, who focus on the professional education of new recruits, non-commissioned officers, and officer cadets/candidates. PME instructors focus on furthering the education of company and field grade officers to help further their careers and develop highly educated Air Force professionals through specialized graduate level courses accredited by Air University.
- Категория Знаки назначения/должности
- Как носить нагрудный знак
- меч/сабля, звезда/звёзды, земной шар, текст, лампа, круг Рисунок
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- Форма круг
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- Размер × мм
- Производитель
- Год выпуска -