Dominican Campaign Navy Medal
15 - 25 $
The Dominican Campaign Medal is a military decoration of the United States Navy and United States Marine Corps which was created on December 29, 1921. To be awarded the Dominican Campaign Medal, a service member must have performed active military duty in the Dominican Republic between the dates of May 5 and December 4, 1916.
The medal commemorates the 1916 United States invasion of the Dominican Republic. The medal was designed by Adolph Alexander Weinman, and the design approved by the United States Commission of Fine Arts in November 1923.
- Категория ордена и медали
- Как носить медаль
- якорь, лента, полоса/полосы, орёл, текст, замок/крепость, ветвь Рисунок
- Надпись Dominican Campaign 1916, United States Navy for service
- Форма круг
- Материал
- Размер × мм
- Производитель
- Год выпуска 1923 -