NASA Exceptional Bravery Medal
Armed Forces Service Medal
391st Regiment Brigade Combat Team
UK Royal Signals

Air Force Small Arms Expert Marksmanship Ribbon

Цена: 3 - 5 $

The U.S. Air Force awards a single ribbon, known as the Small Arms Expert Marksmanship Ribbon, for an expert qualification on either the M16 rifle, M4 carbine or the individuals AFSC's (duty) designated pistol. The ribbon is issued in only one degree; however, a  3⁄16 inch bronze star may be worn on the ribbon for those who have qualified expert on both the service rifle and pistol. The ribbon was authorized by the Secretary of the Air Force on Aug. 28, 1962, and was awarded to all Air Force members who qualified after Jan. 1, 1963. Prior to the conception of a ribbon, Air Force members were awarded with the United States Air Force Small Arms Marksmanship Certificate of Achievement (AF Form 1193 Jan 1961).

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