Belarus Border Guard, HQ department patch
Yangtze Service Navy Medal
Vietnam Presidential Unit Citation
Nicaraguan Campaign Navy Medal, 1926-1933

Vietnam Civil Actions Unit Citation

Цена: 5 - 10 $

The unit citation was referred to as the Vietnam Civil Actions Unit Citation with Palm, or as the Vietnam Meritorious Unit Citation with Civil Actions Colors by the U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, and U.S. Coast Guard. The unit citation was awarded to US Army units during the Vietnam War as the Civil Actions Honor Medal, FC. The award does not have a medal, it is a ribbon award.

The Civil Actions Unit Citation Emblem was awarded to all members of a military command or unit who had participated in civic actions to such a degree as would warrant an individual Vietnam Civil Actions Medal. The unit citation ribbon uses the Vietnam Civil Actions Medal design (First Class with two thin red stripes in center) service ribbon with a bronze palm enclosed in a thin gold frame for the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and Air Force, and a thick gold frame for U.S. Army personnel.

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