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Joint Service Commendation Medal
20 - 40 $
The Commendation Medal is a mid-level United States military decoration which is presented for sustained acts of heroism or meritorious service. For valorous actions in direct contact with an enemy, but of a lesser degree than required for the award of the Bronze Star Medal.
Each branch of the United States Armed Forces issues its own version of the Commendation Medal, with a fifth version existing for acts of joint military service performed under the Department of Defense.
- Категория ордена и медали
- Как носить медаль
- стрела, лента, полоса/полосы, венок, орёл, звезда/звёзды, щит Рисунок
- Надпись
- Форма круг
- Материал
- Размер × мм
- Производитель
- Год выпуска 1963 -