Spain - Military - Superior Center of Defense Information Pocket Badge
AUSTRIA Gendarmerieeinsatzkommando patch
Spain - Military - Superior Center of Defense Information Wallet Badge
ITALY National Police NOCS Special counter-terrorism unit sleeve patch, camo

ITALY Alpine Brigade Tridentina sleeve patch

Цена: 5 - 10 $

(Italian: Brigata alpina "Tridentina")
The Alpini Brigade Tridentina was a light Infantry brigade of the Italian Army, specializing in mountain warfare. Its core units were the Alpini, the mountain infantry corps of the Italian Army, that distinguished itself in combat during World War I and World War II. The Tridentina Alpine Brigade carried on the colours and traditions of the WWII era 2nd Alpine Division Tridentina.
The brigade was based in the eastern half of the Italian province of South Tyrol. The headquarters was in the city of Brixen. The brigade was disbanded in 2002, however the name and traditions were carried on by the newly raised Division Tridentina, a deployable military headquarters of the Italian Army, which in 2016 became once more a full division.

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