ITALY Alpine Brigade Orobica sleeve patch

Цена: 5 - 10 $

(Italian: Brigata alpina "Orobica")
The Alpine Brigade Orobica was a light Infantry brigade of the Italian Army, specializing in mountain warfare.
The Orobica was constituted on 1 January 1953 in the city of Meran. The brigade’s name Orobica alludes to the Bergamo Alps, which are called Alpi Orobie in Italian and from this region most units of the brigade initially originated. The Brigade also drew the majority of its recruits from this region. The brigades units were based in the western and northern half of the province of South Tyrol.
The brigade was disbanded on 27 July 1991 and the remaining units (Alpini battalions Morbegno and Edolo, Bergamo Mountain Artillery group and the Anti-tank Company) passed to the Alpine Brigade Tridentina. The Orobica Logistic Battalion merged with the 24th Maneuver Logistic Battalion Dolomiti to form the 24th Maneuver Logistics Regiment Dolomiti in Meran.

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