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ITALY Alpine Brigade Cadore sleeve patch
5 - 10 $
(Italian: Brigata alpina "Cadore")
The Alpini Brigade Cadore was a light Infantry brigade of the Italian Army, specializing in mountain warfare. Its core units were the Alpini, the mountain infantry corps of the Italian Army, that distinguished itself in combat during World War I and World War II. The brigade was based in the Italian provinces of Belluno and Vicenza. The headquarters was in the city of Belluno. It was disbanded in 1997.
- Категория Альпийские стрелки
- Как носить нарукавный знак
- дерево, щит, цепь, корона, замок/крепость Рисунок
- Надпись
- Форма щит
- Материал ткань
- Размер × мм
- Производитель
- Год выпуска 1953 - 1997