10th (Liverpool Scottish) Kings Regiment sporran badge, 1908 -1937, rare
150 - 250 $
This badge was worn on the cantle (top) of a silver-topped sporran, as worn by officers and warrant officers and senior NCOs. Note that the legend across the top reads 'Scottish Liverpool' rather than 'Liverpool Scottish'.
It is secured at the back with two screw-thread lugs which pass through the cantle and are secured at the back of the sporran with nuts. Some officers and senior ranks continued to wear this badge on their sporrans after 1937 and some such sporrans remain in use.
- Категория нагрудные знаки
- Как носить значок
- лента, конь, текст, крест, чертополох Рисунок
- Надпись Scottish Liverpool, The King's
- Форма неопределенная форма
- Материал
- Размер × мм
- Производитель
- Год выпуска 1908 - 1937