LEINSTER REGIMENT CAP BADGE, bimetal, straight scrolls
Middlesex Regiment cap badge
Civil Service Rifles (ROYAL WELSH REGT) hat badge
UK 3rd Carabiniers cap badge

Royal Welsh beret badge, cloth

Цена: 12 - 20 $

The Royal Welsh (R WELSH) (Welsh: Y Cymry Brenhinol) is one of the new large infantry regiments of the British Army. After the restructuring and reorganisation of the army in 2006, the Royal Welsh is one of three regiments to trace its lineage and draw its recruits primarily from Wales.

1st Battalion, The Royal Welsh (Royal Welch Fusiliers) (ex 1st Battalion, the Royal Welch Fusiliers (23rd Foot))
2nd Battalion, The Royal Welsh (Royal Regiment of Wales) (ex 1st Battalion, the Royal Regiment of Wales (24th/41st Foot))

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