South Wales Police arm patch, type 3
Cheshire (Earl of Chester's) Yeomanry cap badge
WELCH Regiment blazer badge, cloth, The Welch
WELCH REGIMENT cap badge, brass, The Welsh

2nd King Edward VII's Own Gurkha Rifles, type 2

Цена: 10 - 15 $

The 2nd King Edward VII's Own Gurkha Rifles (The Sirmoor Rifles) was a rifle regiment of the British Indian Army before being transferred to the British Army comprising Gurkha soldiers of Nepalese origin on India's independence in 1947.
As part of the British Army, the regiment served in Malaya, Hong Kong and Brunei until 1994 when it was amalgamated with the other three British Army Gurkha regiments to form the Royal Gurkha Rifles.
It is the only Gurkha regiment which did not have Khukuri on its cap badge.

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