AUSTRIA Army (Bundesheer) - Vienna Honor Guard "GARDE" pocket badge
The Vienna Honor Guard is one of the most important military units stationed in Vienna, Austria. Its main task is to represent the official Austria. Guard soldiers accompany the President, the Secretary of Defense and the Chief of Staff during state visits, accreditation of foreign ambassadors or receptions for visiting foreign dignitaries. In addition to these representative tasks all Guardsmen are also highly trained infantrymen and can be used like any Infantry Battalion of the Armed Forces. This requires a high level of training, team spirit and rapid response to new tasks or conditions. When required, the Guard soldiers take over a variety of tasks, especially escort and bodyguard.
Vertical safety pin on the reverse. Multi-piece construction.
- Категория нагрудные знаки
- Как носить нагрудный знак
- меч/сабля, крылья, серп/коса, молот, птица, флаг, орёл, щит, корона, текст Рисунок
- Надпись GARDE
- Форма щит
- Материал
- Размер 38×70 мм
- Производитель
- Год выпуска -