The Customs System of the Republic of Lithuania comprises the Customs Department under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania, Customs Criminal Service, Customs Training Centre, Customs Laboratory, Customs Information System Centre and three territorial Customs offices (Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda).
The mission of the Lithuanian Customs is to protect the society, market, environment and financial interests of Lithuania and the European Union (EU) from damage done by illegal international trafficking by creating favourable conditions for legal trade.
The values of the Customs:
- partnership – reliable co-operation with the institutions of the Republic of Lithuania and EU, the Customs authorities and international organizations of other states, an open dialog with business, the promotion of mutual trust, the creation of favourable conditions for legal trade and the assistance of business to the Customs on performing its functions, the team work of Customs officers, trust in leaders and co-workers, respect and openness in mutual relations, the development of the harmonious culture of the institution;
- professionalism – the deep knowledge and acquired skills of Customs officers and other employees, the application of modern Customs control means and technologies, ability to apply at the maximum in practice one’s knowledge, skills and working tools, ambition to improve constantly, responsible approach to entrusted tasks, initiative, motivation;
- efficiency – the reliable protection of society, market, environment and financial interests of Lithuania and the EU from damage done by illegal international trafficking, Customs controls based on methodical and systematic risk management, the satisfaction of the needs and expectations of economic operators, other persons and partners, high quality Customs services, the application of the most modern working methods and measures, rational use of resources.
The long-term strategic goals of the Lithuanian Customs:
- in the field of society, market, environment and financial interests – to protect reliably the society, market, environment and financial interests of the Republic of Lithuania and EU from damage done by illegal international trafficking, to implement efficiently the EU Customs and trade policy measures and other tasks entrusted to the Customs, to prevent Customs violations and other illegal activities;
- in the field of co-operation with economic operators and partners – to develop Customs partnership with economic operators and partners, to represent the interests of the Republic of Lithuania in the institutions of the EU, to create more favourable business environment conditions, to improve services rendered by the Customs, to develop the dissemination and exchange of information;
- in the field of institution strengthening – to increase the efficiency of activities, to improve management, to develop the knowledge, capacities, responsibility, mutual trust, integrity of Customs officers and employees, to introduce and apply modern working methods and tools, to form the harmonious culture of the institution.
On performing the surveillance of the Community international trade, the Lithuanian Customs contributes to ensuring the promotion of honest and open trade, protection of the internal market of the Republic of Lithuania, security of all supply chain. The Customs authorities of Lithuania have a pivotal role, in close co-operation with other authorities, allowing them to:
- support legitimate trade and strengthen competitiveness
- ensure the correct payment of duties and taxes
- combat counterfeiting and piracy;
- support the fight against other types of fraud, organised crime, drugs and terrorism by processing information, identifying changes in trade patterns and undertaking risk assessment to detect financial fraud, terrorist and criminal activities
- protect the environment and citizens against all sorts of hazardous goods.