NATO - Norwegian Provincial Reconstruction Team Meymaneh Role 2 Medical Facility sleeve patch, full color
Full color variant. Full bevo silk embroidery on cloth base with merrowed edging.
The Provincial Reconstruction Team in Meymaneh is an International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) command. It is classified by NATO, as a "Provincial Reconstruction Team". It conducts joint operations with Afghan Security Forces in Faryab province. It is led by ISAF and began its work in 2004, when they took over from the British.
In NATO terminology military Medical Treatment Facilities (MTFs) are designated a Role number to describe their functional capability to deliver a specific level of care. ROLE 2 includes the reception and sorting of patients as well as the ability to provide elements of damage control resuscitation and the treatment of casualties. This is bolstered by a wider range of medical and nursing interventions and enhanced laboratory and imaging facilities. In addition, this level of care will prepare patients for further transfer with a limited holding capacity to prepare casualties for onward evacuation or for return to duties.