חברים שיש להם סמל להחלפה // 0 חברים

French Foreign Legion 1st/21st March Regiment of Foreign Volunteers pocket badge

מחיר מומלץ: 50 - 100 $

1er Regiment de Marche de Volontaires Etrangeres (1 RMVE) puis 21e Regiment de Marche de Volontaires Etrangeres (21 RMVE).
The 1st March Regiment of Foreign Volunteers and later 21st March Regiment of Foreign Volunteers was created on the 29th September 1939 at Barcares in the Pyrénées-Orientales from volunteers who have engaged for the duration of the war. It left Barcares on the 30th April 1940 to take up positions in the Maginot line. In May it left the Maginot line to take up positions in the Verdun region. The regiment was ill equipped and poorly manned with only a few Legion officers to lead the regiment which was 2800 strong, a lot of the recruits were former Spanish Republicans fleeing Nationalist Spain, but even though poorly manned the regiment fought well around the Verdun region before withdrawing to the Argonne region. After taking heavy casualties the regiment was withdrawn to be reorganized. The regiment had also changed its name to the 21 RMVE on the 25th February 1940 and was soon dissolved in July 1940 after losing half its strength. The 21 RMVE wore the badge of the 1 RMVE.
The badge was created in 1939 by Colonel Debuissy and is made by Drago Paris 25 R Beranger Depose, unmarked and with inverted colours.
Thanks to Andi Mitchell for the information

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